Aphanomyces Root Rot of Sugarbeet

Published 2013

Diseases are one of the primary yield-limiting factors affecting successful sugarbeet production in the Nebraska Panhandle and other areas in the central High Plains. Foliar diseases such as Cercospora leaf spot and powdery mildew do occur, but normally are easier to control than soilborne diseases. Diseases caused by soilborne, root-rotting pathogens often cause more devastating losses because they are difficult to detect before serious damage occurs, and control measures are often ineffective or impractical. One of the most important root diseases in sugarbeet is Aphanomyces root rot. Over the past decade, the incidence of this pathogen has decreased as a result of the extended drought. However after extensive soil testing, the pathogen has been demonstrated to be widely distributed throughout western Nebraska and the central High Plains.

Publication Details


Robert M Harveson



Crop Production/Field Crops

Publication Date May 01, 2000
Last Revision Date October 15, 2013
Language English


Series NebGuide