2019 On-Farm Research Results

Published 2020
Cover Display for EC3047

On-farm research can provide a great avenue to accelerate learning about topics that impact farm productivity and profitability. It is research that you do on your field, using your equipment, and with your production practices. This means the research is directly appli-cable to your operation. The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer produc-tivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient manage-ment, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technolo-gies, soil amendments, cultural prac-tices, and hybrid and variety selection. Research comparisons are identified and designed to answer producers’ produc-tion questions. Projects’ protocols are developed first and foremost to meet individual cooperator needs. Multiple-year comparisons are encouraged.

Publication Details


Laura Thompson



Crop Production/Field Crops

Publication Date March 31, 2020
Last Revision Date March 31, 2020

PDF (web)

Series Extension Circular