Agriculture Irrigation Costs App

Published 2014
Cover Display for A10002

This University of Nebraska–Lincoln mobile app can calculate ownership and operating costs for your irrigation system. IrrigateCost models center pivot and gated pipe irrigation systems and the most commonly used energy sources. The user inputs information such as acres irrigated, pumping lift, system PSI, pump and pivot life, and inches applied as well as related costs such as for the well and engine, labor, energy, district fees, and taxes. The app (UNL A10002) then calculates total irrigation cost as well as total ownership and total operating costs. It also breaks down costs by irrigation well, pump, gear head, pump base, diesel engine and tank and system and calculates per acre annual cost and per acre-inch annual cost.

Publication Details


Thomas W. Dorn


Farm Management

Publication Date July 11, 2014
Last Revision Date July 11, 2014
Language English


Series Mobile App