LEAP Into Careers

Published 2012
Cover Display for 4H2000

Available at UNL Marketplace

The LEAP (Learning Education Action Plan) curriculum was developed to help youth understand various career opportunities in the Nebraska career Education Career Fields and Clusters. It was developed with the Nebraska Department of Education. School standards are included.

Part A. The model upon which the curriculum is based is on page 56. We have included a concrete activity for each of the 12 foundation skills. You will discover and work with skills that will build a strong foundation for any career path.

Part B. Introduction to entrepreneurship is an “umbrella” unit because it can apply to every possible career.

Part C. Students will delve into the Career Fields. For each field, students will explore career opportunities and the skills necessary to be successful in that field. Related 4-H curricula is identified for each of the career fields.

Part D. Preparing to LEAP. Students design a Learning Experiences Action Plan (L.E.A.P.)

Publication Details



Citizenship, Leadership and Personal Development

Publication Date February 14, 2012
Last Revision Date February 14, 2012


Series 4-H Publication