We the People

Published 2014
Cover Display for 4H1100
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The curriculum consists of six lessons, which include experiential learning activities and inquiry-based learning to support the National 4-H Citizenship Mission Mandate. The curriculum highlights the key focus areas of citizenship as defined by the National 4-H Headquarters. These areas include:

  • Civic Education
  • Civic Engagement
  • Personal Development
  • Service Learning

Learning Outcomes:

  • Strengthen communication, leadership and other citizenship skills on a local, state and national level.
  • Understand the importance of civic and social responsibilities as they relate to the development of better citizens and leaders.
  • Exchange ideas, practice respect and form friendships with other youth from diverse backgrounds.
  • Empower young people to be well-informed citizens who are actively engaged in their communities and the world.

Each lesson is supported with four different facilitator and student pieces:

  • We the People lesson plan
  • Lesson PowerPoint® presentations
  • Lesson agenda
  • 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus/Capstone Event Newsletter

Additional resources are available to support citizenship programming on the We the People curriculum website: www.4h.unl.edu/wethepeople

Publication Details



Citizenship, Leadership and Personal Development

Publication Date February 25, 2014
Last Revision Date February 25, 2014

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Series 4-H Publication