Garter Snakes in and Around the Home

Published 2011
Cover Display for Z1782

Garter snake are very common in urban gardens and residential areas across Nebraska. They are one of the few snakes that prefer urbanized landscapes because there are fewer snake predators and plentiful prey and cover. Garter snakes frighten some people but they are actually harmless. You can reduce the attractiveness of your property to snakes by removing debris, rocks, brush, wood piles, and tall grass, which provide cover for snakes. You also can "snake proof" your home by sealing and caulking cracks and crevices and placing copper wool or stainless steel fibers between the downspouts and the home's siding.

Publication Details


Dennis M Ferraro

Stephen M Vantassel


Natural Resources

Wildlife Management

Publication Date August 18, 2011
Last Revision Date August 18, 2011
Language English


Series Z Mag