At What Weight Should Holstein Heifers Freshen?

Published 2012

Most producers realize that the weight of a heifer at freshening affects the amount of milk produced during the first lactation. Heifers not fed balanced nutritional diets before freshening will not produce at an optimum level since they do not have the body reserves to maintain peak production. Likewise, a heifer that freshens very heavy will not produce as much as she should because she is too heavy.

Given the cost of grain, each producer needs to calculate the cost benefit ratio of raising heifers to freshen at different weights. Regardless of the cost, the initial rearing of a heifer to an acceptable weight is money well invested. A stunted heifer will never reach her maximum potential. Proper feeding, housing and veterinary care of heifers is an essential part of any dairy enterprise. Research shows that Holstein heifers that give the most milk freshen between 1200-1250 lbs of weight.

Publication Details


Jeffrey F. Keown


Animal Agriculture


Publication Date June 02, 1986
Last Revision Date March 13, 2012
Language English


Series NebGuide