Protecting Pesticide Sensitive Crops (G2179)

Published 2018

Sensitive crops are becoming more common in the landscape. Examples include grapes in vineyards, and fruits, vegetables, and ornamental crops grown on organic or traditional commercial farms. Consumer demand has created markets for these products, and sales of these crops have contributed to Nebraska’s agricultural economic diversity. Any agricultural crop can be damaged by pesticide drift. However, these crops are especially sensitive to injury by pesticides, and the potential for economic loss is significant. For example, grapes have an annual fruit value of $4,000 to $5,000 per acre and the processed value can be up to 10 times higher. Because of the high value and sensitivity of these crops, it is
essential for pesticide applicators to be aware of their surroundings and use any and all appropriate safety measures before, during, and after each application.

Publication Details


Clyde L. Ogg

Erin C. Bauer

Greg J. Puckett

Greg R. Kruger

Janet R. Hygnstrom

Franklin J. Bright

Craig L. Romary



Pesticides, General

Publication Date October 23, 2012
Last Revision Date October 12, 2018


Series NebGuide