Nebraska's Cattle Feeding Industry

Published 2015
Cover Display for EC847

With 6.7 million head of cattle and calves in 2007, Nebraska has the second largest beef cattle herd in the nation. Cash receipts from sales of these cattle and calves totaled $6.6 billion in 2006. Nebraska's 2.7 million head of cattle on feed in January 2007 also makes the state the second largest in the number of cattle on feed and commercial cattle slaughtered.

Information on the size, scope and structure of Nebraska's cattle feedign industry will help producers, industry leaders, state and local policy makers, rural communities and consumers understand the impact the cattle feeding sector has on the state's economy.

The relationship of the feeding industry with the cow-calf production sector, beef processing industry, feedstuff production industry and export market also is discussed.

Publication Details


Thomas L. Holman

Kathleen R. Brooks

Matt K. Luebbe

Galen E. Erickson


Animal Agriculture


Publication Date August 23, 2007
Last Revision Date April 22, 2015
Language English

PDF (web)

Series Extension Circular