Reducing Woody Encroachment in Grasslands: A Pocket Guide for Planning & Design

Published 2024
Cover Display for ec3076pg

The pocket guide for reducing woody encroachment is a field-based resource created to support training and extend principles from the original Vulnerability Guide (Reducing Woody Encroachment in Grasslands: A Guide for Understanding Risk and Vulnerability). The pocket guide is designed to fit in your pocket (5 x 7”) to use as a field reference for planning and design. The pocket guide features: 1.) Illustrations of how to better visualize vulnerability on the landscape, 2.) Improved planning, inventory, and decision-making in grasslands, 3.) Decision support to avoid common pitfalls - like short-lived treatments due to rapid reinvasion - that have caused past management efforts to underperform or fail, and 4.) Real-world testimonials from ranchers and other land managers on how they have reduced woody encroachment in unique ways that were flexible and customizable.

Publication Details


Dillon T. Fogarty

Dirac Twidwell

Carol E. Baldwin

Pete Bauman

Doug Cram

Laura Goodman

Allison Thompson

Morgan L. Treadwell

Publication Date July 01, 2024
Last Revision Date July 01, 2024

PDF (web)

Series Extension Circular