Managing Turf and Landscape Weeds

Published 2013
Cover Display for EC1269
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Weeds succeed in landscapes that are designed or managed inappropriately. The best way to minimize competition from weeds is to use management practices that promote the healthy growth of desirable plants and to remove weeds and weed parts in a timely manner using mechanical and chemical means that reduce spread and seed development.

Herbicides are an important tool for controlling weeds but may be a short-term fix without correcting the underlying problem. Understanding why a weed has become established in a landscape is important for reducing future weed infestations. Herbicides should be selected based on the weed species present. Applying herbicides at the correct time relative to the weed life cycle is critical for successful management.

Publication Details


Anne M. Streich

Roch E. Gaussoin

Zac J. Reicher


Lawn & Garden

Publication Date December 17, 2013
Last Revision Date December 17, 2013
Language English


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Series Extension Circular