Carbon Credits From Livestock Production

Published 2009

Greenhouse gases have become newsworthy, and carbon credits exist because of concerns about global warming.
Several scientific studies have provided evidence that increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased the earth’s average air temperature, resulting in the phenomenon termed global warming. Resulting projections suggest that the rising temperatures may produce changes in weather trends, sea levels, and land-use patterns. Collectively, these changes are examples of climate change.
The phrase greenhouse gas comes from the way certain gases in the atmosphere — primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide — mimic a greenhouse by trapping heat. Just like a greenhouse, these gases allow sunlight and solar energy to enter the atmosphere freely, and as the earth’s surface gives off heat, greenhouse gases trap this heat within the atmosphere.

Publication Details


Crystal A. Powers

Dennis D. Schulte

Richard R. Stowell


Natural Resources

Waste Management

Publication Date July 31, 2009
Last Revision Date July 31, 2009
Language English


Series NebGuide