Common Forbs and Shrubs of Nebraska: Rangeland, Prairie, and Pasture

Published 2017
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Common Forbs and Shrubs of Nebraska. Information on prairies,rangelands and pasturelands.

This 260-page book provides illustrations and key details to identify the state’s forbs, shrubs and cacti. Written by James Stubbendieck, Emeritus Professor of Grassland Ecology Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Cheryl D. Dunn, Research Manager-Herbarium Curator Department of Agronomy and Horticultureand, and Mitchell B. Stephenson, Range Specialist Panhandle Research and Extension Center, this guide is a valuable foundation resource for research, study, or pleasure.

The book is divided into four major sections: introductory text and illustrated guide to plant identification; and sections composed of plant descriptions of forbs, cacti and shrubs. The forbs section is divided into six categories: perennial native, biennial native, annual native, perennial introduced, biennial introduced and annual introduced. The introductory section includes illustrations to guide the reader on identifying and differentiating plant parts. Each of the other sections includes plant illustrations and descriptions. Plant descriptions include: common and species name, growth form; life span, origin, flowering period; height; inflorescence characteristics (type, flowers, fruits, seeds), vegetative characteristics (leaves, stems, underground plant parts); distribution and habitat and uses and values (forage, establishment, restoration, wildlife, ornamental). Illustrations usually include the whole plant plus close-ups of plant parts significant to its identification.

Publication Details


James L. Stubbendieck

Mitchell B. Stephenson

Cheryl D. Dunn



Range & Forage

Publication Date May 01, 1991
Last Revision Date March 23, 2017
Language English


PDF (web)

Series Extension Circular