Grassland Management with Prescribed Fire

Published 2007
Cover Display for EC148
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Overview of grassland management describing the history and importance of fire in the grassland ecosystem, how plants respond to fire and the uses and potential benefits of prescribed fire.

Topics covered include:
The History of Fire
Wildfire vs. Prescribed Fire
Plant Adaptations to Fire
Factors that Influence Fire Behavior
Benefits of Prescribed Fire
When Not to Burn
Planning a Prescibed Fire
Legal and Safety Considerations
Special Uses of Prescribed Fires, including Conservation Reserve Program Lands, Eastern Redcedar Management, Smooth Sumac Management; and Landscape-Scale Fire;
Fire and Cool-season Grasses
Fire and Wildlife Habitat Management

Publication Details


James L. Stubbendieck

Jerry D. Volesky

John Ortmann



Range & Forage

Publication Date May 04, 1998
Last Revision Date January 24, 2007
Language English


PDF (web)

Series Extension Circular