Terrific Tips and Tricks For Those Situations that Seem to Stick
Published 2014
This download is a culminating activity for youth and parents to complete together after learning the information presented in the On Your Own and OK Resource Guide. Each template corresponds to a lesson in On Your Own and OK and reinforces the material in the resource guide.
Youth and parents can use their creativity to decorate and assemble the templates provided, while discussing how youth can have fun and be safe while they are On Their Own. This downloadable activity is designed for parents to purchase after youth have completed the lessons from the On Your Own and OK Resource Guide in a class or club.
Enjoy working together to ensure youth are OK when they are on their own!
Publication Details
Authors | |
Subject | |
Publication Date | April 21, 2014 |
Last Revision Date | April 21, 2014 |
Language | |
Formats |
PDF (web) |
Series | 4-H Publication |