Grow a Beautiful Space

Published 2015
Cover Display for 4H6130
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In the third unit of the Grow a Beautiful Space series, youth will learn the final stage of the landscape design process, developing maps and drawings to use when communicating with clients.

Through hands on activities and exploring landscapes in their communities, youth will develop the skills needed for success in future careers and courses related to landscape design.

Youth can save and print pages as they progress through this downloadable, interactive PDF.

Youth will learn to draw landscape maps and drawings to showcase in a professional portfolio they develop.

(135 pages)

The Grow a Beautiful Space Series

Grow a Beautiful Space is a three unit landscaping curriculum for youth between the ages of 14-19. Each unit includes an interactive youth manual and a leader's guide. Grow a Beautiful Space Unit I and Unit II also include a separate portfolio for youth to store notes, photographs, and sketches. In Grow a Beautiful Space Unit III, youth will create their own portfolio to store their landscape drawings.

Publication Details



Plant Science

Publication Date February 13, 2015
Last Revision Date February 13, 2015

PDF (web)

Series 4-H Publication