Home Efficiency

Published 2014

Big air leaks in homes waste energy and money. Typically these leaks waste between 10 and 25 percent of a home’s heating energy, and the holes and gaps can allow dust, moisture, pollutants, noise, insects, and rodents to enter the home.

To keep heating costs down during cold Nebraska winters, it helps to seal cracks and unwanted openings in your house to prevent drafts that displace precious heat. Warm air will naturally move to a cooler space, so if your house is not well sealed, heat will escape to the cold outdoors. As the warm air escapes, cold outside air is also pulled in through cracks around the foundation and near doors, windows, and other openings to replace heated air being lost.

Publication Details


F. John Hay

Lynn Chamberlin


Consumer Education

Publication Date March 24, 2014
Last Revision Date March 24, 2014
Language English


Series NebGuide