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This interactive, on-line guide includes information, videos, and a worksheet to help you design and conduct research trials on your farm. Study how new products or practices could affect your operation before adopting them on a larger scale. Learn how to design and plant replicated research plots and how to harvest them to get the most reliable information. Developed by UNL Extension’s Nebraska On-Farm Research program, this guide offers practical information for on-farm use.
This publication is an online magazine that allows you to access video and enlarge photos as well as read the text. Click on the red numbered buttons to enlarge the photos. Use the magnifying tool to move around on the page and enlarge sections. To turn the page, click on the top or bottom external corner of a page or use one of the arrows on the left or right margin. Note: Grower’s Guide to On-Farm Research is hosted on a website external to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (zmags.com) to facilitate the interactive features.