Jennifer M. Weisbrod, Assistant Extension Educator
Frank J. Bright, Extension Associate
Greg J. Puckett, Extension Associate
This NebGuide describes the steps to follow after a pesticide spill to promote safe and effective management and to avoid human toxicity or environmental contamination.
No one expects to have a pesticide spill, but practicing good pesticide safety means being prepared to manage one if, or when, it happens. Protecting human health and the environment is an essential part of pesticide use. Pesticides are toxic to humans and other living organisms as well as to the pests they control. Exposure to pesticides, whether during the mixing and loading, application, or during a spill, poses a risk to human health. Pesticide spills also can be a direct threat to the environment by leaching into groundwater, contaminating surface water, persisting in the soil, or harming nontarget plants and animals.
Three common times pesticide spills occur are: during storage or transportation, when mixing the spray solution, or during application. Pesticide spills during storage or transportation can be due to damaged containers or a vehicle accident (see Safe Transport, Storage, and Disposal of Pesticides [EC2507] for more on safe transport of pesticides). Spills during the mixing process often can be attributed to human error, while spills during application often are caused by equipment malfunction. Pesticide spills can range from being very minor (e.g., a single leaking pesticide container), to being a major spill, such as a tanker truck accident. No matter the cause or size of the spill, being prepared to manage it is important.
Proper training in handling pesticides is the number one way to prevent spills. It is important that all those involved in the use of pesticides be trained on how to correctly transport, store, mix, apply, and dispose of pesticides, as well as how to properly respond to and manage a pesticide spill. See the Resources at the end of this NebGuide for more information on preventing pesticide spills.
If a spill occurs, protecting human health and the environment is the primary goal. Following guidelines like the Three C’s, referring to the pesticide label, and contacting the appropriate agencies to report the spill will help achieve this goal.
The Three C’s—Control, Contain, Clean Up—provide a way to quickly organize and respond after a pesticide spill, whether it occurred during transport, storage, mixing and loading, or application.
Planning ahead will ensure that the necessary emergency materials are on hand to control a leak or spill. Make sure to wear the proper protective clothing to prevent chemical exposure when controlling a pesticide spill.
In addition to cleaning the area where the spill occurred, be sure to clean any equipment used in the cleanup process. Wash clothing, hands, and any other exposed skin as soon as possible with soap and water. If only water is available, rinse repeatedly and then wash with soap and water as soon as possible.
In the chaos of an emergency, it can be easy to forget personal safety. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is necessary when dealing with a pesticide spill. Wearing chemical-resistant gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes plus socks, and a chemical-resistant apron or coveralls (if concentrated pesticide is involved) is a must. Even if there is an injury, PPE should be put on before attending to the victim to prevent exposure to toxic chemicals.
A spill kit is essential when working with pesticides because it contains all the items needed when a spill occurs. With all the items in one place, response to a pesticide spill can occur quickly. The following items should be included in a plastic container labeled “Spill Kit” (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Example of a spill kit.
Product labels and SDSs contain emergency information and procedures that may be specific to each product. Read labels carefully and make sure they are easily accessible for quick reference in an emergency.
Nebraska Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual, 2015.
Pesticide Environmental Stewardship, Pesticide Spills,
Safe Transport, Storage, and Disposal of Pesticides, EC2507,
Evaluating which spill situations require reporting can be difficult. The following statement helps assess when to report a spill: “Report a spill if there is any potential harm to human health or the environment . . . a spill is not reportable when it does not result in pesticide lost to the environment . . . such as when it occurs on a concrete floor or in an enclosed area.”
Follow these steps when a spill occurs:
Note: CHEMTREC (Pesticide Accident Hotline) can be called. Requires a subscription to access their services; be prepared to report the actual amount of concentrated chemical/fertilizer spilled, 800-424-9300.
This publication has been peer reviewed.
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