Annuals for Nebraska Landscapes
I. Flowering Plants
This NebGuide describes those annual flowers that can be grown in Nebraska for use by the home gardener in landscape design.
Dale T. Lindgren, Extension Horticulturist
Anne M. Streich, Extension Horticulture Educator
Kim A. Todd, Extension Landscape Horticulture Specialis
Steven N. Rodie, Extension Landscape Horticulture Specialist
Annuals are non-woody plants that complete their life cycle in one growing season, ending with seed production. Annuals provide color from early summer until frost, an advantage over most perennial flowers, which usually have a shorter blooming season. Certain annuals, such as moss rose, California poppy and alyssum, may self-seed, but most annuals must be planted yearly. Some perennial plants that live from year to year in warmer climates, such as begonias and snapdragons, are included with annuals in Nebraska since they are not winter-hardy and must be replanted each year.
Annuals allow different colorful landscape displays to be created from year to year using a wide variety of available plant material. The cost and time required to replace these plants each year, as well as the additional irrigation and fertilization typically required for healthy establishment and growth, are potential disadvantages of using annual flowers.
Annuals can be used in beds, borders, rock gardens, window boxes, hanging baskets and container gardens. They can add focal color to entrances or enhance monotonous landscapes. Annuals can be used in newly planted perennial or shrub beds and borders, filling the vacant spaces with color until the permanent plantings mature.
Consider site conditions and the preferred growing requirements of annuals when designing with them. Annuals are generally incorporated into a design for their color, but texture, form, size and mass characteristics also contribute to the overall effect. Evaluate the planting site’s sun exposure, wind patterns, water requirements, soil type and fertility, and then choose plants that will perform well in these conditions.
The following list of plants contains suggestions for annuals that are grown for their colorful flower displays. These annuals can be directly seeded into the garden but are usually purchased or grown as transplants.
Common Name(s) | Botanical Name | Site | Height | Flower/Foliage | Color Comments |
Abelmoschus | Abelmoschus moscheutos | Sun | 10-14” | Red, dark pink | Needs hot weather, blooms mid-summer, self-seeds |
African Daisy | Arctotis venusta, Dimorphotheca aurantiaca | Sun | 12-18” | Yellow, red, pink, bronze, white, orange | Drought-resistant, needs well-drained soil |
Ageratum | Ageratum houstonianum | Sun, part shade | 6-12” | Blue, lavender, white | Trim off old flowers for repeat bloom |
Amaranthus; Joseph’s Coat; Summer Poinsettia | Amaranthus tricolor | Sun | 18-48” | Colored foliage | Accent, background in border, difficult to transplant–best direct seeded, suitable for poor soil |
Ammobium; Winged Everlasting | Ammobium elatum | Sun | 18-20” | White | Used as a dried flower |
Angel Flower; Summer Snapdragon | Angelonia angustifolia | Sun | 18-24” | Purple to white | Aromatic, smooth-textured foliage, very long season of bloom |
Angel’s Trumpet | Brugmansia x hybrida, Datura metal | Sun, part shade 3 | 6-60” | Assorted | All parts highly toxic, trumpet-like flowers, good container plant |
Baby’s Breath, Annual | Gypsophila elegans | Sun | 12-18” | White, pink | Small flowers, short season, excellent filler for arrangements |
Bachelor’s Button | Centaurea cyanus | Sun | 6-24” | Blue, lavender, red, pink, white | For continuous bloom make repeated sowings, will self-seed, likes cool weather and dies in summer heat |
Bacopa | Bacopa x | Sun, part shade | 6” | Pink, white | Trailing, spreads 15-24”, foliage is yellow to green to variegated |
Balsam; Garden Balsam | Impatiens balsamina | Sun | 12-30” | White, purple, red | Prefers moist, rich soil, self-seeds easily |
Begonia, Angel Wing | Begonia x hybrida | Shade, part shade | 12-20” | Red, pink, white | Bring indoors as a houseplant during cold temperatures |
Begonia, Tuberous | Begonia x tuber hybrida | Shade, part shade | 9-12” | Red, yellow, orange, white, pink | Store as a tuber during winter |
Begonia, Wax | Begonia x semperflorens | Shade, part shade | 6-15” | White, pink, red | Various foliage colors, often grown from cultorum cuttings |
Bells of Ireland | Molucella laevis | Sun | 24” | Green | Grown for the green shell-like calyces on tall spikes, self-seeds, good cut flower, dry conditions |
Black-eyed Susan; Gloriosa Daisy | Rudbeckia hirta | Sun | 24-36” | Yellow, brown, rust | Upright, adaptable to almost any type soil, sometimes a biennial or short-lived perennial |
Blanket Flower, Annual | Gaillardia pulchella | Sun | 12-18” | Red, orange, yellow | Short-lived, drought-tolerant, long season of bloom |
Blood Flower | Asclepias curassavica | Sun, part shade | 36-48” | Red, orange | Prefers moist, fertile soils, milkweed family, good cut flower |
Blue Lace Flower | Trachymene coerulea | Part shade | 18-24” | Blue, violet | Dead heading is recommended, can be used as a cut flower |
Bush Violet; Browallia | Browallia speciosa | Part shade | 12-18” | Purple, blue, violet | Rich, moist, well-drained soils |
Calendula; Pot Marigold | Calendula officinalis | Part shade | 10-24” | Yellow, orange | Flowers best in cool spring and fall, good container plant |
California Poppy | Eschscholzia californica | Sun | 8-12” | Yellow, orange, red, white | Naturalizes, self-seeds, tolerates dry conditions, avoid over-watering |
Calla Lily | Zantedeschia spp. | Sun, part shade | 24-48” | White | Planted outside as a tuber in early summer, dig and store tubers for winter |
Candy Tuft | Iberis amara | Sun, part shade | 6-12” | White, lilac, pink, red | Moist sites, fragrant |
Canna | Canna x generalis | Sun, part shade | 36-48” | Yellow, orange, red | Needs to be dug and stored in a non-freezing location each fall, good in water gardens and containers |
Celosia | Celosia argentea var.plumosa and var. spicata | Sun | 12-36” | Yellow, orange, apricot, pink, purple, red | Vertical, feathery flowers, prefers dry conditions, dead head to prevent reseeding |
Celosia; Cockscomb | Celosia cristata, C. argentea var. cristata | Sun | 18-30” | Red, pink, orange, yellow, salmon | Heat and drought tolerant, excellent for drying, crested form resembles rooster’s comb, plumed form also available |
Chrysanthemum | Chrysanthemum carinatum | Sun | 12-18” | Assorted, tri-colored | Well-drained soils |
Cleome; Spiderflower | Cleome hassleriana, C. serrulata | Sun | 36-48” | Pink, purple, white | Use in large beds, tall borders, heat-tolerant, will self-seed |
Cobbity Daisy | Argyranthemum frutescens | Sun | 15-18” | Magenta, fuchsia | Daisy-like flowers, attracts butterflies |
Coreopsis | Coreopsis tinctoria, C. hybrida | Sun | 18-24” | Yellow, red | Requires consistently moist soils, attracts butterflies, reseeds |
Cosmos | Cosmos bipinnatus | Sun | 18-60” | White, pink or crimson | Avoid overwatering, good cut flower |
Cosmos, Sulphur | Cosmos sulphureus | Sun | 18-24” | Red, yellow, orange, pink | Some cultivars are quite compact |
Creeping Zinnia | Sanvitalia spp. | Sun, part shade | 6” | Yellow | Prostrate growth with tiny flowers, good ground cover, tolerates drought |
Dahlia | Dahlia spp. | Sun | 6-36” | Assorted | Requires well-drained moist soil, heat-tolerant, taller varieties need staking, grown from seed or tuberous roots, requires digging and storage in non-freezing area |
Dianthus; China Pinks | Dianthus chinensis | Sun, part shade | 6-18” | Pink, red, white | Many cultivars, fragrant, tolerant of cool conditions |
Diascia | Diascia spp. | Sun | 12-15” | Rosy, coral pink, yellow-green spots | Dainty flowers, related to snapdragons, high moisture requirements |
Eyeball Plant | Spilanthes oleracea | Sun | 12-15” | Red, yellow | Red and yellow color, floral contrast |
Flowering Tobacco | Nicotiana alata, N. sylvestris, N. sanderae |
Sun, part shade | 9-36” | White, pink, rose red, mauve, lime green | Prefers moist, well-drained soil, fragrant, reseeds |
Four-o’-Clocks | Mirabilis jalapa | Sun | 24-36” | Pink, red, white, yellow, bicolor | Blooms in late afternoon, withstands heat and drought, will self-seed, seeds are poisonous |
Fuschia | Fuschia magellanica | Part shade | 12-15” | Fushia, purple | Pendulous flowers, good for hanging containers |
Foxglove, Annual | Digitalis purpurea | Sun, part shade | 15-20” | White, cream, yellow, pink, rose, purple | Prefers moist, well drained soils, biennial |
Gazania | Gazania rigens | Sun | 8-12” | White, yellow, orange, red | Needs well-drained soil, likes heat, tolerates dry soil |
Geranium | Pelargonium x hortorum | Sun | 10-25” | Red, pink, white, salmon | Easily propagated by cuttings, some cultivars can be grown from seed |
Gerbera Daisy | Gerbera jamesonii | Sun | 9-12” | Cream, red, orange, pink | Deeply lobed leaves |
Globe Amaranth | Gomphrena globosa, G. haageana | Sun | 18-30” | Purple, white, pink, orange, red | Clover-like straw flower, mound-forming plant, excellent for drying, G. haageana tends to sprawl |
Heliotrope | Heliotropum arborescens | Sun | 8-24” | Violet, lavender, white | Attracts butterflies, very fragrant |
Impatiens | Impatiens spp. | Shade, part shade | 6-12” | Assorted | Many species and cultivars from which to choose |
Lantana | Lantana camara | Sun | 12-18” | Yellow, orange, red, lavender | Likes warm sites, attracts butterflies, good container plant |
Larkspur | Consolida ambigua, C. ajacis | Sun | 25-30” | Pink, blue, white | Cut and dried flowers, may self-sow, keep well watered, likes cool conditions |
Laurentia | Laurentia hybrida | Sun, part shade | 18-24” | Blue | Tolerant of heat, must have good drainage, best for western Nebraska |
Linaria; Toadflax | Linaria maroccana | Sun, part sun | 15-24” | Pink, white, magenta | Prefers cool temperature, will reseed |
Lisianthus | Eustoma grandiflorum | Sun | 12-24” | White, yellow, pink, lavender, bicolor | A biennial which acts as an annual, good for cut flowers, start indoors very early |
Lobelia | Lobelia erinus | Part shade | 4-10” | Blue, white | Prefers cool temperatures, good container plant |
Love-in-a-Mist; Devil in the Bush; Nigella | Nigella damascena | Sun | 12-18” | Pink, blue, white | Self-seeds readily; when seed pod forms, it is called “Devil in the Bush” |
Love-Lies-Bleeding | Amaranthus caudatus | Sun | 36-60” | Red, gold | Long slender spikes of drooping to upright flowers, new selection is “Hot Biscuit” |
Marigold, African | Tagetes erecta | Sun | 12-40” | Yellow, orange, cream | Brilliant color, tall cultivars suited for mass plantings and cuttings, red spider mite may be problem |
Marigold, French | Tagetes patula | Sun | 6-12” | Yellow, orange, bronze | Bushier, more compact plant, smaller flowers, problems with red spider mite and aster yellows |
Marigold, Signet | Tagetes tenufiolia | Sun | 6” | Yellow | Good for edging borders and outdoor edible containers, flowers |
Melampodium; Medallion Daisy | Melampodium cinereum, M. paludosum | Full sun 1 | 5-18” | Yellow-gold | Heat tolerant, 1” blooms, reseeds |
Mexican Heather | Cuphea hyssopifolia | Sun | 9-12” | Pink/violet | Flat feathery sprays of foliage, small flowers, good for small spaces and containers |
Mexican Sunflower; Torch Flower | Tithonia rotundifolia | Full sun | 4-6’ | Reddish-orange | Makes a nice annual screen, attracts butterflies |
Mexican Tulip Poppy; Golden Cup | Hunnemannia fumarifolia | Sun | 12-20” | Bright clear yellow | Grayish-green dissected leaves |
Million Bells | Calibrachoa x hybridus | Sun | 9-12” | Assorted | Fragrant flowers, suitable for containers, moist soils |
Monkey Flower | Mimulus x hybridus | Shade, part sun | 12-14” | Yellow, orange, red, light scarlet, wine | Prefers moist soil, cool temperature, afternoon shade prolongs bloom |
Moss Rose; Portulaca Rose Moss | Portulaca grandiflora | Sun | 6” | Red, yellow, white, rose, orange, magenta | Thrives on poor, dry soil, easily self-seeds, avoid high nitrogen soils |
Nasturtium | Tropaeolum majus | Sun, part sun | 12-24” | Yellow, orange, red | Prefers poor soil and sun, edible buds, blooms and foliage |
New Guinea Impatiens | Impatiens x hybrida | Shade, part shade | 10-24” | Assorted | Good for containers, dramatic foliage |
Osteospermum; Cape Daisy; Sun Marigold | Dimorphotheca pluvialis, D. sinuata | Sun | 9-18” | White | Bushy plant, can self seed |
Pansy | Viola x wittrockiana | Part shade | 8-12” | Assorted | Hardy annual, flowers best in cool season, best if seeded in late summer and transplants overwintered in cold frame for early planting |
Pentas; Star Cluster | Pentas lanceolata | Sun, part shade | 15-30” | Red, pink, white | Attracts butterflies, can be used in containers, combines well with other annuals |
Persian Shield | Strobilanthes dyerianum | Sun, part shade | 12” | Blue | Shiny dark purple/bronze foliage, short spikes of funnel-shaped flowers |
Petunia | Petunia x hybrida | Sun, part shade 1 | 2-18” | Assorted | Shear in mid-summer to induce blooms |
Petunia; Supertunia | Petunia x hybrida | Sun | 6-9” | Assorted | Trailing habit, heat and drought tolerant |
Petunia, Wave | Petunia x hybrida | Sun | 6-8” | Assorted | Low-growing, ground cover-like |
Phlox, Annual | Phlox drummondii | Sun, part shade | 6-15” | Red, pink, white, purple, peach | Easy to grow, long blooming season, prefers cool sites |
Pimpernel; Blue Pimpernel | Anagallis monelli (L.), A. arvensis var. caerulea | Sun | 12” trailing |
Blue | Bright blue flowers on heat-tolerant plants |
Plectranthus; Silver Spur Flower | Plectranthus argentatus | Sun | 6-12” | White, pale lilac | Leaves large, velvety, gray and succulent, deep veins |
Primula | Primula spp. | Part shade | 10-12” | Lavender, red, pink, yellow, white | Bedding, edging, attracts butterflies |
Salvia; Mealycup | Salvia farinacea | Sun | 18” | Blue, white, purple | Multiple spikes, leaves are long, soft, light green to silver |
Salvia, Scarlet Sage | Salvia splendens | Sun, part shade | 12-24” | Scarlet, red, pink | Blooms freely in late summer and fall, white, salmon, purple spike flower |
Salvia, Texas | Salvia coccinea | Sun | 18-30” | Red, pink, white, bi-colored | Blooms from early summer to frost, attracts hummingbirds |
Scabiosa; Pincushion Flower | Scabiosa stellata, S. atropurpurea | Sun | 12-24” | White, light blue, pink, burgundy | Flower heads useful in dried arrangements, good cut flower, heat-tolerant |
Scaevola; Blue Fan Flower | Scaveola aemula | Sun | 6-9” | Blue, violet, white | Thick, coarsely toothed leaves, tolerates some drought, good container plant |
Snapdragon | Antirrhinum majus | Sun | 6-36” | Assorted | Excellent cut flower, semi-tall and dwarf varieties require no staking, use rust-resistant cultivars, cool conditions |
Standing Cypress | Ipomopsis rubra | Sun | 2-3’ | Red, yellow, orange, white | Spike flower attracts butterflies, biennial spikes grown as a half-hardy annual |
Statice; Sea Lavender | Limonium sinuatum | Sun, part shade | 18” | White, lavender, yellow, pink, blue, apricot | Rosette of foliage, good for drying |
Strawflower | Helichrysum bracteatum | Sun | 10-30” | Yellow, pink, white, red, orange | Excellent dried flower, dwarf cultivars available |
Sunflower | Helianthus annuus | Sun | 12-84” | Yellow, bronze, red, gold, cream | Background or screen planting, dwarf cultivars available, make multiple planting for continuous blooms |
Sweet Alyssum | Lobularia maritima | Sun, part shade | 4-6” | White, lavender, burgundy | Low trailing plant with tiny flowers, very fragrant |
Sweet Annie | Artemisia annua | Sun | 48-72” | Inconspicuous | Grown for foliage, fragrant, foliage can be dried |
Trachelium; Blue Throatwort | Trachelium caeruleum | Part shade | 24-36” | Blue, violet | Attracts butterflies, drought-tolerant, small flowers, cut flowers |
Verbena, African | Verbena bonariensis | Sun, part shade | 48” | Purple, violet | Erect growing, creates ‘airy’ element, attracts butterflies, self-seeds |
Verbena, Garden | Verbena x hybrida | Sun, part shade | 12-15” | Blue, red, white, peach | Easy to grow, water moderately, intense colors, loves heat |
Vinca; Madagascar Periwinkle | Catharanthus roseus | Sun | 10-14” | Pink, rose, red, purple, white | Glossy leaves, tolerates poorer soils, works well in containers, good heat tolerance, good bedding plant |
Viola | Viola cornuta | Part shade | 6” | Blue, gold, red, apricot | Prefers cool, moist conditions |
Zinnia | Zinnia elegans | Sun | 6-40” | Assorted | Excellent cut flower and bedding plant, powdery mildew may be a problem in late summer, keep the foliage dry, select mildew resistant cultivars |
Zinnia, Mexican | Zinnia angustifolia | Sun | 12-16” | White, gold, orange | Excellent for hot dry areas, powdery mildew less of a problem than for Zinnia elegans, can be dried |
The authors would like to thank Susan Schoneweis for her work on an earlier version of this publication.
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Index: Horticulture
Issued October 2007