Spring Millers

Published 2012

Millers can be abundant in and around homes each year, especially in May and early June. At this time of year, the moths are most likely the adult stage of the army cutworm, a common pest of wheat and alfalfa. When abundant, these moths may be very annoying because of their activity and their habit of invading homes, garages, and vehicles. They may cause agitation when great clouds of moths suddenly disperse from landscape bushes, shrubs, doors, and windows when disturbed. Although the moths can be dispersed statewide, the potential for large moth aggregations increases the further west you go in Nebraska. They cause little harm and are present in large numbers for only a few weeks.

Publication Details


Ronald C. Seymour

Gary L Hein



Insects & Pests

Publication Date May 17, 2012
Last Revision Date May 17, 2012
Language English


Series NebGuide