Energy Actions for Renters to Save Dollars and Increase Comfort

Published 2009

The energy used by each unit in an apartment complex may vary according to whether it is a corner or an inner apartment.

Corner units may provide more light through windows and cross ventilation, but northwest corner units also may be affected by cold winter winds. Units on upper floors may be warmer in the winter but hotter in the summer as heat rises. Shaded units may reduce summer air conditioning energy use. Inner units with two shared walls and with units above and below may be less affected by weather that impacts energy usage.

Before selecting an apartment, ask about the unit’s utility rates and compare units in the complex if possible. Before implementing any measures requiring an alteration to your rental unit, such as caulking and weather-stripping, get your landlord's permission or ask your landlord about having
it done.

Publication Details


Shirley M. Niemeyer

Marilyn J. Bruin


Consumer Education

Publication Date May 04, 2009
Last Revision Date May 04, 2009
Language English


Series NebGuide