Sugarbeet Production Guide

Published 2013
Cover Display for EC156

Available at UNL Marketplace

Years of research results from the High Plains Region's top sugarbeet specialists and growers were used to develop this comprehensive Sugarbeet Production Guide. Published by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, the guide offers detailed information, recommendations and reference materials never before available to the area's sugarbeet growers.

With more than 185 photos, 50 illustrations, charts, and numerous tables, the guide covers a full range of sugarbeet production topics, from seed selection to the economics of production. While designed to provide sugarbeet growers with comprehensive production information, the guide also would be valuable to those in agribusiness and related areas of sugarbeet processing and marketing.

Topics include seed selection, planting and nutrient management, major sugarbeet pests and cost-efficient treatments; plant growth and management practices to optimize sugar production; and getting the most from tillage and irrigation equipment, planters and harvesters.

Special features include:

Tables of seed spacing, percent emergence, and plant population relationships for 22- and 30-inch row spacings.
Fertilizer recommendations
Identification keys, scouting guides and life cycles for specific pests
Instructions on building and placing a sugarbeet root maggot trap
Management recommendations for various irrigation systems
Scouting calendar and injury diagnostic guide
Sample budgets for gravity and center pivot irrigated operations
Glossary of technical terms

Colorado State and Montana State universities, the University of Wyoming and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service's Sugarbeet Research Unit cooperated with the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture in writing and publishing this guide.

Publication Details


Robert G Wilson

John A. Smith



Crop Production/Field Crops

Publication Date August 01, 2001
Last Revision Date August 30, 2013
Language English


PDF (web) (Not Currently Available)

Series Extension Circular