Multiple-Year Droughts in Nebraska

Published 2005
Cover Display for G1551

Most people understand that droughts have had a major impact on Nebraska in the past. Yet, many Nebraskans con-tinue to be surprised when drought occurs. It is important to remember that droughts, including multiple-year droughts, are a normal part of Nebraska?s climate. This NebGuide dis-cusses the history of drought in Nebraska, and aims to help Nebraskans better understand the range of climatic variability when they plan for drought.

Topics covered in this publication include: past Nebraska droughts, current drought studies, drought planning,

Publication Details


Michael J. Hayes

Cody L. Knutson

Qi S Hu



Crop Production/Field Crops

Publication Date January 03, 2005
Last Revision Date January 03, 2005
Language English

PDF (web)

Series NebGuide